19 nov 2020

Brexit information
EU Nationals in the UK:
Protection Under the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement
Brexit: end of transition period:
Freedom of movement between the UK and the EU will end on 31 December 2020

7 okt 2020

GBTA Key Issues Table July – September 2020
GBTA has released an updated Key Issues Table for July to September 2020 with news about GBTA’s ongoing advocacy work.
GBTA Key Issues Table July – September 2020

4 sep 2020

  • EU TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS: EU ambassadors met on Wednesday to discuss temporary restrictions in force and possible lifting – that is, amending the list of countries whose citizens are allowed to travel to the EU.  A Council recommendation is under written procedure for adoption, which should lapse shortly.

  • PROPOSAL FOR MORE COORDINATION: The European Commission is expected to put forward an ambitious proposal for enhanced coordination across the EU, from criteria to assess epidemiological risks to precautionary measures travellers would face upon returning from high-risk areas. This proposal is undergoing interservice consultation, which is the last stage before it is formally adopted by the Commission– this means we should see developments within a couple of weeks. 

  • TRANSPORT MEPs DISCUSS COVID IMPACT ON AIR TRAFFIC: Members of the Parliament’s Transport Committee met earlier this week to discuss the pandemic’s impact on aviation, including on traffic flows, and the consequence of the restrictive measures adopted so far In the EU with the head of Eurocontrol, the organization overseeing the development of a single European air traffic management. Interestingly, the head of Eurocontrol called on lawmakers ensure that aviation was included under the Green Recovery, particularly when it came to financing research into low emission and synthetic fuels.

  • EU AIRPORTS PERFORMACE UNDER COVID: Eurocontrol also published a study assessing the impact of COVID-19 measures on airport performance, and terminal operations in particular. The study provides an order of magnitude of the impact of these measures on the passengers’ journey time throughout terminals, an assessment of the need for additional space for those facilities affected by the COVID measures, and an estimate of when airports are likely to reach their saturation capacity as traffic recovers.

  • SLOTS WAIVER EXTENSION: EU Airlines, airports and slot coordinators have agreed on conditions to apply the slots rules waiver for the entire winter season, specifically concerning the slot return mechanism. All these stakeholders are now calling on the European Commission to formalize the full-season waiver extension and the conditions for return of slots.

  • US AIRLINES CALL FOR COVID-19 TESTING PROTOCOLS: You will have seen that yesterday, airlines represented by A4A called on the US government to launch a pilot COVID-19 testing program that would replace quarantines measures for international flights. This pilot programme would be geared towards rolling out travel corridors to the EU, Canada and a handful of other selected destination, based on adequate testing capacity.

31 aug 2020

En uppdatering av EU-relaterade frågor som är aktuella aug-sep 2020. Det gäller ”slot-tider” för flygbolag under corona (diskussionen kring att flyg gått tomma för att flygbolagen ska få behålla sina slot-tider, där man nu har godkänt ett undantag. Vad sker med det framöver?). Den andra viktiga frågan är den om ”samsyn” kring regelverk vid resande.

Klicka här för att läsa den engelska sammanfattningen i frågorna (från vår byrå i Bryssel)